What is RODS?
RODS stands for record of duty status. It is a log maintained by a driver and is updated each time they change their status, such as driving or stopped (e.g., fuel stop, tire check, load check, etc.).
A RODS is required as part of Hours of Service Rules for commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operators, although some short-haul motor carriers are exempt from maintaining RODS.
While company policy may vary, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) only requires that drivers record the time and location of each stop.
Since the ELD Mandate came into effect, most motor carriers are transitioning to electronic logging devices to maintain a RODS automatically. There are some exemptions to the ELD Rule, which includes a transition period for companies to update older automatic on-board recording devices that ends on December 16, 2019. Find out more about the transition from AOBRDs to ELDs.
Our solutions
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Our HOS solution helps reduce Form & Manner and driving time violations with 395.15-compliant electronic logs. HOS reports are available in a variety of formats.

Built to make your driver’s day easy, this FMCSA-certified ELD is connected directly to the vehicle for improved accuracy and automated logging. Includes 24/7 phone support.