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8 CVSA International Roadcheck Tips for 2024

By Verizon Connect April 3, 2024

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance's (CVSA) International Roadcheck returns this year, taking place from May 14 - 16, 2024. During the annual three-day event, CVSA-certified inspectors conduct compliance enforcement and provide educational initiatives for the benefit of carriers, vehicles and drivers.1

Sponsored by the CVSA, the event brings together key organizations like the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, Transport Canada and the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (Mexico). It's the largest program of its kind, with nearly 15 trucks and motorcoaches inspected, on average, every minute across North America during the three days.1

The impact of inspections

Every year, International Roadcheck places special emphasis on a category of violations to bring awareness to specific areas of roadside inspection. The 2024 Roadcheck event focus is tractor protection systems and alcohol and controlled substance possession. The number of drivers banned for drug and alcohol use has been on the rise, posing a safety threat. This year’s Roadcheck will remind motor carriers and drivers of the importance of strong policies prohibiting controlled substances and adhering to company policies.2

According to the CVSA, more than 59,400 inspections were conducted throughout Canada, Mexico and the U.S in total during last year’s Roadcheck3. During inspections, nearly 1 in 5 vehicles (19%) were found to have out-of-service (OOS) violations. These 11,270 commercial motor vehicles were ordered off the road until the issues were addressed and the vehicles were deemed safe again. There were 17,479 vehicle out-of-service violations in total.3 

The inspections identified a total of 116,669 violations, encompassing both driver and vehicle issues.3 These violations included both those severe enough to take the vehicle out of service and those requiring correction but not immediate removal from the road.3 

The top five vehicle out-of-service violations in 2023 were:3

  • Brake system – 4,412
  • Tires – 3,368
  • Defective service brakes – 2,468
  • Cargo securement – 2,171
  • Lights – 2,015

Inspections can also include identifying the carrier, collecting and verifying the driver’s documents and examining the driver’s license or commercial driver’s license (CDL), checking record of duty status and reviewing periodic inspection report(s).4 Drivers should always wear their seatbelt, avoid fatigue by getting enough sleep and never drive under the influence.

Trucking companies should confirm if their vehicles need maintenance ahead of this year’s Roadcheck, especially the tractor protection system components. Additionally, they should reiterate their policies regarding controlled substances, emphasizing to drivers that possession or use while on duty is strictly prohibited.

During the inspection, the officer will verify that the tractor protection system is functioning properly in the event of trailer separation.3 The Roadcheck aims to raise awareness of often-overlooked components like the tractor protection valve, trailer supply valve, and anti-bleed back valve.3 

Download this free eBook for a checklist to prepare your staff and drivers for roadside inspections.

Tips for a successful International Roadcheck experience:

  1. First and foremost, make sure your truck drivers always wear their seat belts, and that they always maintain a positive and professional attitude with the law enforcement and inspectors.
  1. During vehicle safety inspections, enforcement officials will check several systems and components, including:
  • Brake systems
  • Cargo securement
  • Fuel and exhaust systems
  • Lighting devices
  • Tire, wheel, rim, and hub condition
  • Suspension and more
  1. Drivers should be prepared to provide the following items to inspectors:
  • Valid CDL
  • Valid Federal Medical Examiner's Certificate
  • HOS documentation
  • Motor carrier registration
  • Shipping papers/documentation
  1. Drivers should also have at the ready:
  • A copy of the company’s Insurance Certificate in the tractor
  • A copy of the company’s Hazardous Materials Certificate in the tractor (if applicable)
  • A current, up-to-date permit book and Skill Performance Evaluation (SPE) Certificate (if applicable) 
  • A charged and secure fire extinguisher in the tractor
  • The required emergency equipment in the tractor (three reflective triangles)
  • Proof of annual inspection for all equipment, including tractor/trailer
  1. For Hours of Service, make sure drivers understand:
  • What type of Electronic Logging Device (ELD) is installed and how to operate it
  • How to provide the inspector instructions
  • How to display required and requested information
  1. Prepare your equipment:
  • Keep your vehicle as neat and clean as possible
  • Conduct proper and thorough pre-trip vehicle inspection reports
  1. Pay particular attention to:
  • Tractor protection system components
  • Wheels, tires and rims 
  • Vehicle lighting
  • Brakes
  • Cargo securement
  • Any observable defects
  1. And for hazmat situations, make sure that:
  • Placards are not damaged or missing and are on all four sides of the vehicle
  • A current Emergency Response Guide (ERG) is present in the cab
  • Your shipping paper is accurate and contains:
    • UN or NA Identification Number
    • Proper shipping name
    • Hazard class/division
    • Packing group

How proactive maintenance can help keep fleets inspection-ready

Staying on top of preventive maintenance can help keep your vehicles out of service bays and ready for any Roadcheck event. GPS fleet tracking technology with built-in asset tracking provides advanced engine diagnostics and instant mileage reporting, as well as vehicle service alerts based on distance traveled, hours worked or predetermined dates. This can help you form proactive maintenance plans and only pay for repairs when they’re necessary, while keeping your vehicles in good shape.

The right GPS fleet management system can also help you:

  • Control repair costs by identifying small maintenance problems before they become big ones.
  • Reduce breakdowns by sending you reminders via text or email when vehicles are due for tire rotations, tune-ups or other preventive maintenance.
  • Eliminate mechanic guesswork by providing you with Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) that pinpoint specific maintenance issues.

A GPS fleet management system from Verizon Connect can help fleets stay on top of vehicle maintenance. Fleets use GPS fleet tracking technology’s maintenance data to help reduce unexpected costs and boost efficiency with increased up time.

1 https://www.cvsa.org/programs/international-roadcheck/ 

2 https://www.cvsa.org/programs/international-roadcheck/focus-area/ 

3 https://www.cvsa.org/news/2023-roadcheck-results/

4 https://cvsa.org/wp-content/uploads/Roadcheck-Checklist-for-Drivers.pdf and https://www.cvsa.org/inspections/all-inspection-levels/ 

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Tags: ELD & Compliance, Vehicle Maintenance, Safety, Team Management, Inspections

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