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Emergency service fleet management for first responders

By Amin Amini June 7, 2019

June 7, 2019

In the world of emergency medical services (EMS) vehicles, time is of the essence, and equipment breakdown or miscommunications about routes can quite literally be a matter of life and death. First responders and medical personnel rely heavily on first response emergency vehicles making them a critical part of any emergency service.

Better performance starts with better insights, and monitoring vehicle metrics and keeping track of drivers in an industry built around urgency makes fleet management system a necessity to provide optimal results.

We’re exploring how fleet management software can help first response emergency services improve vehicle maintenance, safety, security and provide insights into their operations.

Building better fleet maintenance schedules

Keeping emergency response vehicles properly maintained is a very important, but also monumental, task. Ambulance maintenance software allows schedules to be set so no emergency is ever left without a working vehicle due to unnecessary breakdown that could have been otherwise easily avoided. Streamlining vehicle maintenance processes also removes undue burden for managers that would otherwise manually track schedules based on reports from employees. Pulling trouble codes is a fast and easy task, saving time and energy trying to decipher if a problem warrants pulling a vehicle out of service and getting service by a mechanic.

Saving time and additional funds by setting preventative maintenance schedules means more money can be invested where it will make a difference on the job for people in need. Managers can also receive proactive reminders for routine preventive maintenance and automatically track vehicle service and date of completion allowing for greater control in scheduling and improved, data-driven utilization decisions.

Maintaining a safe and secure work environment

Installing ambulance tracking software provides the perfect opportunity for managers to address safe driving behavior with employees. Transparent conversations about the capability to track speed, harsh braking and acceleration by drivers is the first step to controlling and coaching better behavior to promote a safe environment during emergency situations.

Read more about how the city of San Jose is becoming a “smart city” and leveraging the power of data to make better decisions. Get the free ebook.

In the world of health where malpractice and compliance is always top of mind, utilizing any technology that can help promote safety protocols matters for protecting your patients and your employees.

Promoting emergency service efficiency

Shift change can be a confusing time that takes precious moments away from those in need. Vehicle tracking provides visibility into current vehicle location and helps you regain precious time. With telematics, EMTs simply need to look at a digital screen to see which ambulance is available, allowing EMTs to get into vehicles more quickly and spend more time responding to residents in an emergency situation. Fleet management software decreases fuel-wasting behavior, one of the greatest expenses for most fleets in any industry.

When every second counts, improving the efficiency of routes is a basic necessity. Route optimization contributes to efficient communication and better vehicle utilization with automatic asset tracking and automated alerts. Fleet management software allows managers to instantly change vehicle routes and schedules in the event of an emergency based on vehicle locations, current job assignments and miles driven.

Providing valuable data insights

Read more about how the city of San Jose is becoming a “smart city” and making better decisions by leveraging the power of data. Fleet manager Sunseri describes the benefits of big data to his daily tasks:

“We have that additional data that we can bring into our datasets already, take that information, report on it and get useful information to make key decisions about vehicle purchases…driver behavior […] idle reduction and fuel use, so the information is invaluable.”

Fleet metrics make the most of resources, no matter how limited, through detailed utilization reporting, including miles traveled, engine hours, days utilized, number of trips and more. Integrate with navigation tools and get up-to-the-minute weather and traffic data to more efficiently route vehicles in the midst of changing conditions.

Controlling maintenance and costs, while improving customer service, utilization, safety and compliance is important for all fleet operations, but it is especially critical for those in the business of saving lives on a daily basis. Implementation of any major change takes time to do right. With proper planning and clear, open communication, you can help make the transition smooth and seamless.

Amin Amini

Amin Amini is the Associate Director of Solution Engineering and has more than 20 years of experience working with enterprise and government organizations.

Tags: Cost control, Dispatching & Scheduling, Fleet utilization, Productivity & Efficiency, Customer Service, Field management, Safety, Team Management, Fuel cost management, Performance & Coaching, Vehicle & asset security, Vehicle Maintenance

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