The Verizon Connect integration with Penske imports vehicle defects identified in driver vehicle inspection reports into the Penske Fleet Management System.
Keep track of your defects with automated DVIR reporting. Log in to the Defect Management Portal as a mechanic to view and update defects reported from DVIR. Get notified when an inspection is submitted with detailed DVIR information. Run reports for defect management and compliance purposes. Make life easier for mechanics and have work orders automatically created in your Maintenance Provider Application.
- With this integration solution, defects discovered during vehicle inspection (DVIR) are made available via a new tab within the Platform.
- Mechanics can fix defects in a closed-loop process to ensure all defects are identified and corrected as quickly as possible, and each stage is signed off by a driver or mechanic.
- Automate creation of work orders.
- Integrate data between Fleet and the maintenance partner.
- Send defect data, including DTC codes or inspection codes.
- Help prevent errors with manual entries.
- Sync defect information to maintenance systems.
- Help increase visibility on work order status to more teams.
Small businesses with one or two trucks to large multinationals with fleets of hundreds have come to rely on Penske’s tailored service and expertise to manage their unique trucking needs since 1969. Penske operates more than 270,000 vehicles and serves customers from more than 1000 locations. Penske full-service leasing and contract maintenance solutions keep your fleet running, your business moving and customers smiling.