What does Mobile Resource Management (MRM) mean?
Mobile Resource management (MRM) is the logical evolution of telematics. It is the combination of traditional telematics and near real-time GPS tracking with asset management, vehicle routing and field service management.
You can add mobile workforce solutions for your team out in the field such as: digital tachographs, electronic forms, driver coaching apps, proof of delivery, commercial navigation and Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR); all on a single MRM platform. That means no more need to develop expensive API’s to get different location tracking and job management systems to talk to each other as all the work sits in one place.
Once you have the full picture of your mobile operation you can then integrate with your other business software – invoicing, timesheets, payroll, maintenance, CRM, finance, health and safety – adding a whole raft of benefits to your business operations.
Benefits of Mobile Resource Management
Any company that operates with a team of mobile workers can benefit from MRM - from delivery fleets, to heavy equipment and construction providers, to haulage companies.
An MRM solution provides operations managers with complete visibility into
everything that’s on-the go so that teams can help to control costs, reduce
idle times, deploy current assets and staff more efficiently, aim for the
best customer experience, and maintain compliance with all safety standards
and regulatory mandates.
Fleet management
MRM programs can help keep fleets running efficiently by controlling
maintenance costs and downtime, planning efficient routes and tracking fuel
consumption. An MRM solution can help fleet managers assign the right number
and type of mobile assets to the right job sites, people and vehicles.
With MRM, teams can maintain worksite safety and demonstrate mobile duty of
care. By identifying unsafe driving behaviour, tracking heavy machinery
operator performance, providing insights into accident or damage claims, and
protecting against potential fraud, theft and supervisory negligence claims,
businesses can reduce risk due to consequential losses.
Human resources can use an MRM solution to gain a near real-time connection
to all on-the-go employees. Whether it’s visibility, near real-time
coaching, additional training or helping vehicle operators to hit efficiency
targets, an MRM software solution gives HR the tools they need to make
employees even better.
Sales and customer relations
An MRM solution helps to provide more on-time service calls, increase the
number of deliveries and appointments, and provide better ETA visibility to
An MRM solution helps improve cash flow and speeds up billing by enabling
the finance department to streamline payment and processing operations, as
well as reduce invoice and settlement disputes.
An MRM solution can help simplify the classification of business and
personal journeys. This helps to reduce administration time and produces
mileage reports in an HMRC-ready format.
By making aspects like kilometers and hours driven, hours on site, and time
from clock-in to departure easy to measure, and by moving from paper to
electronic timesheets, an MRM solution helps payroll to perform more
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Route Planning software
Route optimisation software from Verizon Connect helps the bottom line by improving fleet efficiency. Learn more about how our dynamic routing software can help.